Is making with Makedo messy?

As with most craft activities, there is a little bit of mess when working with cardboard.
The amount of mess that results from a Makedo session does depend on how much cutting is done with the Safe-Saw. You can expect the working area to have a scattering of small fragments of cardboard, but the Safe-Saw does not reduce cardboard to a fine dust. It does not become dusty or messy, as would happen when using power tools or working with timber. We find that when we do our own making, a quick sweep with a broom or vacuum afterwards is all that is needed.

What about dust?
At times the source of dust and grime can be from the cardboard itself. Ensuring your cardboard supply is clean and dust-free before getting started can go a long way in ensuring that everyone enjoys the process. If you're using boxes that have been at a warehouse, or stored in the attic or basement for years, they may need a wipe-down before being handed over to the kids ;)

Why doesn't the Safe-saw cut cleanly or neatly?
One of the key features of the Safe-Saw is that the cut edges are a bit 'fuzzy'. While to some this may look messy, there is a specific intention to reduce the risk of injury that can occur when cardboard is sliced cleanly by a sharper blade. The clean edge from a cutting knife can result in paper cuts, particularly when kids play in (or even wear) their cardboard creations. The micro-tears created by the Makedo Safe-saw are softer, and much less likely to result in skin injuries.
There will therefore be a small amount of cardboard fragments from the cutting process with the Makedo Safe-Saw.

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