Is Makedo made from recycled plastic?

Makedo is made in China using virgin plastic. However the answers are far more nuanced than that. 

We use 3 different types of plastic material, each selected for functional suitability:

Plastic-recyc-05.svg Number 5 plastics can be recycled through some curb-side programs.
Plastic-recyc-abs.svgâ¹ Number 7 plastics have traditionally not been recycled, though some curb-side programs now take them. 
Polyamide Resin Code.tiffâ¹ Number 7 plastics have traditionally not been recycled, though some curb-side programs now take them.

Our underlying philosophy is about developing a visceral understanding of up-cycling and activating a desire and ability in kids to safely and easily make and remake their own toys with cardboard and the tiniest amount of plastic (which makes us plastic negative when you consider the short life of so many plastic toys). 

Our impact must be viewed holistically - as must everything; each electric car, solar panel and sustainability-promoting Instagram feed viewed on an electronic device is contributing to a carbon footprint. However we see them as ‘good’ because we value the path that they pave. Makedo is creating sustainability-thinking pathways inside the minds of tomorrows problem solvers and, in this moment, we need to use plastic to do it.

From a technical perspective, our product demands certain mechanical properties to both function as intended and to comply with international toy safety standards. We are engaged in ongoing research to move away from virgin plastic, and whilst we haven’t found a suitable alternative as of yet, we are continually exploring new materials in the hope that we will soon.

Until that time (and since we were established in 2009) we have run a Closing The Loop program whereby we receive and re-process end of life plastic parts into new parts:

Closing the loop: End-of-Life Program for Makedo tools

Makedo will accept end-of-life returns for all of our plastic products. Contact us using the following form to organise a returns package* so that we can take care of recycling the materials for reuse in future manufactured products.
* Returns program operates in specific regions parallel to the global Makedo warehouse distribution network.

Closing the Loop Submission
(opens in new window)

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